MTL Connecte - La semaine numérique


2 participation options:

Present your technological innovation

If you have a technological innovation or a new vision for technology, come and present what you offer that is different.

Present your technological need

If you are looking for a solution, a new approach or an innovative technology, come and present your need.

4 reasons to participate at MTL Connect Showcase:

Highlight your organization in front of local and international digital players

35% of the global participation of MTL connect
is from abroad

Benefit from business recommendations from Montreal Digital Spring team to make quality meetings

MTL connect 2022 participants give a 4.5/5 rating to the quality of meetings

Meet with experts, including members of the following sectors:

Mobility l Digital infrastructures l Smart cities l Agritech l Generative AI l Industry 4.0 l Health l Cybersecurity l Quantum computing l Cultural & creative industries

Expand your professional network

72% of MTL connect 2022 participants made new professional contacts.

Criteria of selection
and participation

Dates to remember:

